Sunday, April 29, 2012

Shaved Ice in San Jose

We did some wandering around at the Blossom Hill Farmer's Market this morning in San Jose, situated in a small shopping center not far from my son's house.

I took a bunch of photographs and my camera is now filled with images of terrific produce that I can't get out until I return home. See, I have a Sony camera and downloading the pix requires some software that I don't have with me. So y'all will have to wait for another time.

Fortunately, however, I did use the wife's cellphone to take at least one shot to share with you right away. I would have used MY cellphone, but wouldn't know it, the battery petered out just as I was about to take the picture.

Anyway ... thought you might enjoy seeing that Hawaiian style shaved ice is popular in California. The only differences, of course, are the syrups. They use a lot of commercially prepared product, whereas in Hawaii, the true traditional vendors make their own syrup.

The shave (shaved) ice we tried today was not bad, but yes, one can tell the difference. Take my word for it.

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