Sunday, April 8, 2012

Eat Chocolate, Lose Weight?

It may be true, it may not be … but a recent study shows that people who eat chocolate five times a week ended up with a body mass index lower than those who shun it. This was reported recently in the morning newspaper.
The research was done by Beatrice Golomb of the University of California, San Diego, whose letter to the Archives of Internal Medicine provided some details.
Say you’re five feet tall and 120 pounds. One body mass index (BMI) equals five pounds – not a heck of a lot, but a five-pound loss is a five-pound loss, y’know?  Unfortunately, there aren’t any details as to what kind of chocolate was used in the research, or what type of controls were applied (e.g., diet and exercise).
But she did note that even if those who ate chocolate consumed more calories, the chocolate-BMI relationship still held true.
See? I knew those mini-Hershey candies served a good purpose.

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