Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I'm sure Freedom United States has done, and is doing, good things. After all, they send care packages to our soldiers fighting overseas to help with their morale.

Their packages contain clean underwear (new, I hope and presume), cookies, candy, chewing gum (depending on what's available) and paperback books, definitely a welcome addition to MREs and GI food.

However, they really should get their ducks in order before embarking on a fund-raising campaign. They were walking Windward Oahu communities recently, going door-to-door asking for donations.

Uh oh ... one of the homes they hit was the residence of a Hawaii deputy attorney general, who's area of specialities is (get this) charity oversight. Well, he did some investigation and it turns out Freedom United States doesn't have the proper documentation to solicit funds. Their donations are NOT tax-deductible and their financial records are untrackable.

The endshot? A cease-and-desist order. What dunces. Whatta maroon.

I kid you not.

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