Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Movie Flop

I went to see the new hit movie, Hunger Games, the other day … and no, the “movie flop” alluded to in this post's title doesn’t refer to the movie.
It refers to a fall I took as I shuffled between the rows of seats to get to mine. See, I went to see the movie at a Titan-Xc theater and once in a while (like for a popular movie), they assign you seats. My seat was AA20, first row in the upper section, with a pipe railing in front.
A perfect seat.
Unfortunately, I stepped on the toe of my left foot, can you believe that? Talk about being a klutz. I stumbled, was unable to keep my balance due to my ample midsection, and fell forward, landing on both my knees with a big thud against the concrete floor.
Ow. Oh ow.
I was able to catch the railing with my left hand, preventing a total face-smash on the ground, and even maintained my grip on my soda. Talented hands, I must say. But I wrenched my left shoulder and my knees were on fire. I managed to get myself back up and hobbled to my seat.
Good thing the theater was empty due to my early arrival. A guy was sitting a few rows up and he asked if I was okay. Gave him a thumbs up and acting nonchalant, began rubbing my knees. Everything worked, I could flex my knees and bend them, and my toes could wiggle.
Good. Nothing broken.
As it turns out, the denim material on my jeans actually caused huge strawberries on my knees that burned like heck for about 15 minutes. Then, the movie started and I forgot about the pain, concentrating on Katniss Evergood’s attempts to stay alive in the Games. Wow, and I thought I was hurting? Yikes.
Here’s what the knees looked like when I got home and cleaned them up:
I bandanged them and have since been walking like Frankenstein’s monster because the wraps made it difficult to bend my knees. But y’know, I count my blessings. The theater could have been full, I could have smashed my face and … I could have spilled my Coke.


  1. OW! Still looks like an "owie"

  2. I also saw the movie Hunger Games, it was a very good movie. You can also watch such latest movies with the teatv app at
