Sunday, March 11, 2012

Anniversary of Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami

The 9.1 magnitude earthquake that hit Japan a year ago today was the fourth largest in recorded history, and much of the world takes pause today to recall the images that flooded the airwaves and Internet following the devastation in northern Japan.

Today, the Japanese economy is on the rebound – modest, perhaps, but on the rebound for sure, with a growth in its gross domestic product showing a 2-3% increase since before the earthquake.

The country seems to have survived the ensuing nuclear crisis and is slowly rebuilding, although some hard-hit areas are still in a mess.

There’s a lot of detritus and debris swept into the ocean by the tsunami, rubbish and memories that are due to hit Hawaii’s shores and the U.S. West Coast. Some of it may have already reached America’s Pacific shores, but the bulk is still out there.

When will it reach Hawaii’s beaches? Scientists believe it will be less than a year from now.

It’ll be sad to see the debris wash up on shore – so many memories, not mine … so many lost lives, no one I knew … so many hopes and dreams dashed, thankfully not mine. But I will be sad, for … them.

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