Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Midday Tea Break

Tea Display at Whole Foods Market
There's something about a midday tea break that warms the body, calms the soul, relaxes the mind, and soothes the spirit. I've been doing that for quite some time now.

A couple of years ago, I found some tins of Japanese green tea in our cupboard, tea that people had given us for Christmas and special occasions, but which were never opened. So I started opening them. There were tins of loose green tea, packets of pekoe tea, Earl Grey, Japanese habucha and genmaicha, Chinese orange pekoe and jasmine ... you name it, I had it.

Currently, I have enough tea to last a few years. Should civilization be severely damaged by nuclear war and its resultant winter, as long as I have a pot, water, and fire, I can have my midday tea break.

I just finished some wonderful Chinese ti kuan yin pekoe tea bags given to us by my son's sister-in-law, and now I'm delving through some Japanese green tea from a tin given to us by who knows who. The specific type of tea, and where it's from, I have no idea, because I don't read Japanese.

But it's delicious and it's refreshing and it's soothing and it's hot.

Now ... who hid those macadamia nut shortbread cookies I bought to go along with my midday tea?

1 comment:

  1. I have a large variety of teas myself. Love to have a friend over to chat and have them pick out their own tea. They usually have a difficult time choosing.
