Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sleep Texting

I knew this was going to happen ... it's inevitable. They've been studying "sleep texting" - you know, people texting on their mobile phones while they're asleep.

The phenomenon is not surprising in the least, after all, there are those who can text almost unconsciously while carrying on a face-to-face conversation (I've actually seen this). So why not sleep texting?

People walk in their sleep. People talk in their sleep. People scratch their backs in their sleep (okay, maybe I'm just talking about myself with this one). So of course, there will ber some who text in their sleep.

The question I have is, what would you say in your text to someone while you're sleeping, and why can't it wait until you wake up? I know, that's two questions, but stay with me here, it gets interesting.

What if you text someone you really hate but who for some stupid reason is in your directory? Worse yet, what if you phantom-dial a long distance number to a crazed dictator somewhere in the world and tell him he has bad breath? You might start World War III.

They say a dream is a wish your heart makes when you're fast asleep (sorry, stole that from a Disney animated feature). Well, what if you're dreaming about getting even with your nemesis in life and just won a competition with him or her and dream that you're texting a gloating message, but instead you actually reach for your phone in your sleep and text the love of your life, and the next day s/he is suddenly out of touch and refuses to answer your phone calls?

What about that? Huh? Huh?

Lesson learned: Turn off your phone, leave it to recharge in the kitchen, and not by your bedside. If it rings, get up and walk to the kitchen. Just make sure you're not sleep walking.

Now, please turn off the lights. I need to get back to my bed and dream I'm returning home from left field.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Since I don't text, I should be safe, but I do recognize those who might do this!
