Sunday, January 15, 2012

I Was Forced to Attend ...

Craig arrived bearing gifts (Photo by the Wife)
... a baby shower, of all things.

Yesterday, I attended my first baby shower since my eldest son was still waiting to hitch a ride with the stork. That was in 1966. This latest one was in 2012 ... 46 years later, good gravy.

I dunno why I let myself get talked into these things. But, as it were, I went to my BIL's BIL's daughter's baby shower and rather enjoyed myself. One can't arrive at these things empty-handed, so I carried in a flower arrangement put together by the wife, and a pink shopping bag full of plastic and paper goodies, if you get my drift.

They even coerced me into playing a couple of games. I did win the "Drink the apple juice from the baby bottle" game, but then was disqualified because I didn't hear them say not to unscrew the nipple from the bottle and drink the juice that way.

Didn't do well in the "Guess the baby food" game, but the wife won a beautiful orchid plant. I think I only got one out of eight right. She got three, which just goes to show how awful everybody's guesses really were.

Then there was the "Guess what candy bar was smooshed in the diapers to make them look like baby poop" game. I would have won, but I changed two of my answers. The winner had two right, and I would have had three.

Guess that serves me right for being disqualified in the apple-juice suckling game.

I can hardly wait to attend my next baby shower ... in another 46 years.

1 comment:

  1. LOL!!! Aren't they fun??!!

    Sounds like you did enjoy yourself ~ and that is usually what happens. We don't really want to go, but end up having a great time.
