Friday, January 6, 2012

Heart Attack Haven

Okay, okay! Now that we’re into the New Year, it’s time to make your New Year’s resolutions. Do you? I don’t. I mean, what’s the use? I’m not going to remember what I said when the end of the month rolls around.
I could say I won’t eat any more greasy hamburgers this year, but how long do you think THAT would last? Not long. Especially if I go back to Las Vegas and take a walk down the Fremont Street Experience to the Heart Attack Grill.
Have you seen it yet? They serve the hugest fat-dripping, mega-cholesterol burgers this side of Bedrock City. And they’re not ashamed of it either. Neither are their customers. I’ve seen people stagger out of there and lean on the hood of the ambulance parked near the entrance. 
Their window posters are great! They advertise stuff like no-filter cigarettes, pure cream butter fat shakes, even a quadruple-bypass burger.
Hey, how can you say bad things about a restaurant that proclaims, “Over 350 Lbs Eats Free”? They urge you to ask about their liposuction lottery. That one (the 350-pound one), I’m thankful to say, I don’t qualify for.
I kid you not. Yum!


  1. Nope, I never make 'em, then I don't break 'em! At my age, I am what I yam! :)

  2. Check out this story:


    ~ Craig
