Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Golden Globes

Every year around this time, I open the morning newspaper and see a story about who won Golden Globe Awards this year.

And every year around this time, I am reminded that my entertainment viewing habits are wa-a-ay outta line with the general public - at least those who vote for their favorites.

Not one of my favorite television shows, not one of the movies I saw last year, not one of my favorite actors/actresses won a Golden Globe. Nary a one. Zero to the nth degree.

Y'know, I don't even know who had been nominated and was in the running; Frankly, I didn't even know the awards show was televised on Sunday night. At least with the Academy Awards, I've seen at least a couple of the movies and actors/actresses that are nominated.

I think I'll refer to the Golden Globes as the "Foldin' Globes" as far as I'm concerned from now on. It seems more appropriate.

Oh well, maybe next year ...

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