Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Was Santa Claus good to you this year? Was your stocking filled with goodies and joy and delightful things?

Today, I'm not going to bore you with facts, or make your ears tingle with curmudgeony grumbles. Today I'm not going to take you to faraway places, or talk about things I've seen.

Well ... that's not completely true.

Today, I'm just going to show you some pictures I took of the winter display at the Bellagio Hotel's Conservatory in Las Vegas. So just relax and enjoy some delights of the Christmas season.

Floral Holiday Card created with 3,000 cut florals
Entering the Bellagio Conservatory
42-ft. high, 22-ft. diameter Christmas tree -
13,500 LED lights and 1,800 ornaments
Papa Bear (18,000 white carnations)
Winter penguin display


  1. Beautiful! I think Papa Bear is my favorite. :)

    Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas to you and you family!

  2. Beautiful photos...looks like Christmas postcards.

  3. It boggles my mind to know they change it EVERY season and they never repeat the displays.
