Monday, November 21, 2011

Parky Pooper

Since I wrote about asparagus pee smells yesterday, I thought I'd continue the "excretory" theme just one more day (y'know, get it all out at once?) and show you this picture.

I took the shot in the garage of Kuakini Medical Center recently. We couldn't help but see it, as it was right outside the garage walkover entrance to the Physician's Office Building.

Where did this person park anyway before coming to the hospital? It must have been under a tree or a telephone or electrical wire because the birds had a field day on the car.

Now, if it were me, I could never drive a car in that condition. I don't care how sick I was, if I came to the car and saw that, the first thing I'd do is drive to a car wash. No matter how sick I was, no matter how late it would make me for my doctor's appointment.

I mean ... really now.