Monday, October 10, 2011

Honolulu Orchid Society Show

It's been a couple of years since I last went to an orchid show sponsored by the Honolulu Orchid Society, so the wife and I drove down the street to Washington Middle School yesterday to take in the last day of their three-day show.

She was especially interested in seeing if she could get more information on how to divide and transplant her driveway orchids that are now coming into bloom again. Fortunately for her, one of her friends who used to patronize the family delicatessen is usually one of the vendors at these orchid shows we attend.

The flowers are beautiful, and every time we go to one of these shows, I see varieties on display that I've never before seen in my life. It's always a pleasure to spend an hour or so wandering among the floral beauty, despite the humid weather and the un-air conditioned cafetoriums they use for the show.

I took a lot of pictures; here are a few to brighten your day:

Cattleya Display

Dendrobium Hybrid, "Myra Myatt"

Vanda Pachara Delight, "Ken Ching," Winner, Best Strap Leaf Vanda

Cattleya Pink Empress, Ju-Sen

Cattleya Burana Angel, "Hsinying"
A goodly number of vendors occupy the perimeter of the large room, selling all of the tools and appurtenances an orchid fancier might ever desire. And, you can buy orchids of every kind as well.

There are always other plants for sale, like these multi-colored cacti that sit there on the tables like little jewels waiting to be purchased. At first, when I saw them from afar, I thought they looked like yellow, orange and pink Surinam cherries.

Good thing I didn't pick 'n eat 'em, eh?

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii, Hibotan aka "Moon Cactus"

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