Friday, October 21, 2011

Cat Nap

I've always had trouble taking a nap during the day. The only way that happens is if I doze off while watching TV or while reading. And it's gotta be a warm day.

But put me in a bed with a pillow and warm blankets, turn off the lights and television set, and leave me alone all by my lonesome, and I'll just lie there with my eyes closed and will never ever fall asleep. Not since the '80s anyway.

They say that a 10-minute nap every afternoon will make one a wiser and more alert person. The Hispanics take siesta every day, a very good custom, I think. But I can only imagine how I would lie there, under a tree, a big sombrero covering my face ... wide awake and contemplating the inside of the sombrero.

I saw the cat in the picture above just snoozing away near a bench where I sat to rest my little tootsies. Normally at Kakaako Waterfront Park, the resident feral cats don't like being approached and will rise up and walk away from you.

Not this little kitty. I sat down right next to it and it didn't bat an eyelash. Must have been the warmth of the day, but as I gazed upon this peaceful bundle of sleeping feline, I could feel my own eyelids drooping.

Are yours drooping as well? Are you getting sleepy? You are, aren't you. You're getting sleepy ... sleepy ... sle-e-epy.

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