Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Red Dove?

When you are around Zebra (Barred) doves as much as I am, you begin to notice the varieties of coloring.

A little while back I posted a picture of one with distinctive bright blue around the eyes and bill, a lot more intense than the pale blue on most Zebra doves.

The other day while walking along the paths at Magic Island, this dove crossed my path. It looked as though it had been in a red-dirt bath. Instead of the usual light brown-gray, its color reminded me of the red dirt-dyed tee shirts sold in Hawaii's country stores.

It's probably quite common, but for me, at least, it was a big deal.

Hey! Do you think that if it perched on my shoulder while I was wearing a red dirt-dyed tee shirt, it would disappear if viewed from above?

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