Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Power of the Sea

There's something about the ocean that beckons, that intrigues, that compels one to just stand and watch its power at work. It's a marvel of nature, a wonderful gift of God.

Have you ever watched a wave roll in and wondered where it actually came from? Is a wave the mere movement of salty water affected by the Earth's rotation, the position of the moon, the direction of the wind?

Is a wave just that? Or is it a salty tear rolling down the cheek of God? Or did the wave originate from a land far, far away, kissed by a distant shore, then sent sweeping thousands of miles toward us, to plant that kiss on our shores?

As I stood near the breakwater at Honolulu's Magic Island, I could feel the cool salt spray misting across my face, cooling my thoughts that had been burning under the scorching Hawaiian sun on that brilliant summer day.

I waited seemingly forever to get the right picture, snapping dozens of shots before everything fell into place. It was a sight well worth waiting for.

What poetry, what power, what glory God shared with me that day.

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