Friday, November 26, 2010

Holiday Weight Gain

If you’re like me, you over-indulged during Thanksgiving lunch and dinner yesterday, will over-indulge at Christmas, over-indulge at New Years, and generally over-indulge during the breaks between the holidays.
Therefore, is the November through January period when we average people gain the most weight?
What would you guess is the average weight gain in America? Four pounds? Five pounds? Seven pounds? More?
Well now … according to the National Institute of Health (and with a department name like THAT, their word must be gospel, right?), the average American gains … ONE pound over the holidays.
Yep. One pound. Uno poundo. Sixteen ounces. Seize onces. Sedici once.
They’ve got all kinds of hints how not to gain that pound, but heck, only one pound this year? Considering how much I really thought I’d be gaining? One pound doesn’t sound so bad.
But wait! What if somebody doesn’t gain anything at all? What if TWO people don’t gain anything at all? Does that mean I’ll gain three pounds to keep the average at one pound?
What’s a fella to do? Just WHAT’S a fella to DO?