Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Organ Donor Opt-Out

New York Assemblyman Richard Brodsky has what he thinks is a good idea: Everyone should be considered an organ donor unless s/he opts out.

A “presumed consent” bill is going through the New York law-making process as we speak. It’s similar to what’s being done in a number of European countries, including France, the Netherlands and Spain.

Mr. Brodsky was inspired by the fact that 500 New Yorkers die annually while waiting for a transplant – that, plus the fact that his 18-year-old daughter received transplants when she needed them.

I’ve never been in favor of “opt out” conditions. There’s nothing political in my dislike; I just don’t like government legislating the good things that I should or should not do. Government should stay out of my personal decisions.

This is not to say that I’m anti-organ donations. If you look at my driver’s license, I’m identified as an organ donor. NOT because I didn’t “opt out,” but because I wanted to and “opted in.”

If there are not enough people voluntarily donating organs after they’ve died, then do a better job of convincing them to check that box on their driver’s license. Victory is sweeter when it’s earned and not handed on a platter. “Opt in” is infinitely better than “opt out.”

And that’s the way it should be. Always.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree with you more! The government should not tell me I am automatically in and must OPT OUT ~~ next thing you know, You won't be able to opt out because the government says so!
