Saturday, May 15, 2010

Congratulations, Nolan!

I just saw in this morning’s paper that Nolan Kamitaki, whose Hawaii Science Fair research project, “Gene Dosage and Expression in Human Lymphoblastoid Cell Lines” won second place in April’s Hawaii Science Fair, cleaned up big time at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in San Jose.

The Big Island senior was one of six Hawaii high school students to receive awards at the exposition. Twenty three from Hawaii participated.

Nolan won a first-place Grand Award that includes a $3,000 prize, Best of Category Award ($5,000) and the American Statistical Association Award ($1,000).

You had to have known … ‘cause in 2006, Nolan won $20,000, beating out two million students from across the United States, winning the Discovery Challen Young Scientist Challenge in Washington, DC.

Congratulations to Nolan! What a guy, WHAT a guy.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow!! Good for him. I was a science major and I don't know what the heck he is talking about! Don't you just love to hear about a young person being interested in something that most others aren't. YOu must be extra proud since he's from your hometown.

    I say, "Way to go, Nolan!!"
