Friday, May 21, 2010

Centipede on the Christmas Tree

… and all the lights went out. Remember that “knock knock” joke?

I was reminded it the other day when the wife came in to tell me about her little adventure.

It seems she stumbled upon a “monster” centipede scurrying around outside the garage. So she covered it with a plastic jug to hold it there while she ran inside the house for some poison.

The only bug poison she could find was termite spray, so that’s what she used.

The problem was that there was no oomph left in the spray, so she stood there shivering in fear, a disgusting look on her face, while she slowly dripped the insecticide on the centipede.

Then, and only then, did she run inside to tell me about the critter.

When I went out to see what she had done, the bugger was long dead and some ants were poking around. Just to be sure, I took a 2x4 and smashed the edge down just behind its head.

And here, in all its glory, is a picture of the “monstrous” five-inch long centipede that was defeated by the horrified, meek, little ol’ lady o’mine.

Later in the day, the wife came running back into the house, frantic because “there’s another one out there!”

It was the same one … comatose and dead as toast, just lying there. Guess the ants smelled the insecticide and steered clear of the free lunch I offered them.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't help but laugh when I read this! I could picture the entire scenario!
