Sunday, May 30, 2010

Canine Game Day 2010

That was kinda fun yesterday. I went to the Hawaiian Humane Society’s annual Canine Game Day in Thomas Square and joined hundreds of dog fanciers who brought their pets to the park for some fun.

It was a day promoted in the media especially for dachshunds, so there were lots of those wiener dogs squirming their long bodies around the place.

I got there just in time to watch the costume contest. That was fun.

Here are some of the entrants. Can you guess which one won?

After the costume competition, I meandered over to the Wiener Dog Races and watch the yapping mobile hot dogs race toward their owners and give their all to win valuable pet-related prizes. The TV cameras were there to pay homage to the grand winner and his owner.

One thing though – the doggie population made it imperative for me to watch where I was stepping and also to be wary of people bending over with Zip-Lok bags in their hands so I wouldn’t stumble over them while they were in the process of … y’know, cleaning up after their dogs.

Did you guess which doggie was named the costume contest winner? It’s the doggie in the upper right-hand corner dressed as a Hawaiian king.

What a great way to kick off the Memorial Day weekend.

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