Sunday, May 9, 2010

Are You Happily Married?

Are you and your spouse happy with each other? If you live in China, chances are a lot more of you are happier together than those of us who live in the USA.

Apparently, most Chinese have never heard of the “seven-year itch.” Research shows that 83% of married couples in China are happy with each other.

They are followed by the Philippines (76%), Germany and the Netherlands (73% each), Australia and Spain (72%), and Russia (71).

Where’s the U.S.? Be patient, we’re getting there.

Then comes the United Kingdom (66%), Brazil (65%), Canada and Italy (63%), and then finally, the U.S. (also 63%, but last of the three 63%-ers when sorting alphabetically). We’re just a percentage point higher than France and India.

Imagine that.

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