Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Eating in the Car

It’s interesting, what you can learn by reading the American Automobile Association’s monthly subscriber magazines. Did you know according to AAA, the average American eats 34 restaurant-purchased meals in a car each year?

Eating in the car is the 5th leading distraction while driving, after changing the radio station (79%), exceeding the speed limit (61%), driving without both hands on the steering wheel (61%), talking on the phone (51%). In a Wisconsin survey, 45% of teens and adults queried gave those responses.

Here’s something else to ponder. Hagerty Classic Insurance discovered that the odds of having a food-related accident double if the car has a stick shift. Heck, I could have told you that it’s riskier; I just didn’t know exactly how much.

Can you just imagine if the fella in the car next to you is changing gears with his stick shift while speeding, has a cell phone stuck to his ear, AND grabs a juicy, drippy cheeseburger out of a McDonald’s bag?

I’d let the guy get ahead of me. Wa-a-a-ay ahead of me.

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