Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Stinky Sneakers? You Betcha!

I wonder if 11-year-old Trinette Robinson of Bristol, Connecticut is going to keep ‘em – her prize-winning sneakers, that is.

They’re kind of unusual. They’ve just been named the stinkiest pair of sneakers on the planet by Odor-Eaters in their 35th annual Rotten Sneaker competition. The winner was unveiled – or rather, held at arm’s length – yesterday.

The winning pair had to excel in vile-ness of condition and smell.

Nine kids aged 6 to 16 competed and Trinette’s stinkers emerged on top. And for that, she won $2,500 and an expenses-paid trip to New York.

Perhaps she can donate the shoes to a homeless person there. I’m sure the shoes would smell better than any they might already have.

Which best the question: How often does she wash her feet anyway?

1 comment:

  1. That's only because they've never "noticed" my son's sneakers!
