Thursday, March 4, 2010

Hawaii Tsunami ‘Buyer’s Remorse’

Honolulu’s supermarkets, drug stores and big-box stores had a lot to contend with, regarding last week’s tsunami warning.

First, they had to service the large crowds that rushed to the stores and bought large amounts of batteries, bottled water, toilet paper and generators in a panic.

Now, they have to deal with buyer’s remorse as many of their red-faced customers are returning carloads of the stuff they bought in their over-zealous “Be Prepared” and hoarding state of mind.

This happens every time there is a tsunami or hurricane warning. People in Hawaii always over-react. I don’t want to say they’re stupid, but they sure are unprepared for the consequences of their illogical, ill-conceived, uneducated decisions.

The stores, with a few exceptions, are magnanimous in their willingness to take the products back if they are unopened. Some aren’t even asking for receipts.

Good for them. And shame on the panicky citizenry!

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