Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Sukyo Mahikari

Every day, as we slide off the freeway onto 19th Avenue in San Francisco, we come across this building with an intriguing name – Sukyo Mahikari.

More than once, it’s prompted stupid jokes from the people in the car. Okay, I admit it … me.

Ummm … so then, tell me, what is Sukyo Mahikari?

The only hint visible as to what it is, is its tagline: “Centers for Spiritual Development.” Heck, it could have been Centers for Disease Control for all I care.

I just had to look it up. Here’s what their website says:

"Sukyo means universal principles and Mahikari means light energy. The Sukyo Mahikari center is a place where people from any walk of life and different religions come to develop themselves in order to achieve their true potential as human beings.”

Ahhh, I got it … um, no, I didn’t. So I read on:

“In Sukyo Mahikari, a positive, spiritual energy is transmitted from the palm of the hand to the receiver. This energy has also been referred to as light or true light. This energy purifies and revitalizes the spirit, mind, and body. One of the best ways to initiate a natural and sustainable process of change in oneself, at the very deepest level of consciousness, is giving and receiving light energy and practicing the universal principles.”

Oh hell ... I give up.


  1. I was getting confused until I just started to laugh! All of a sudden a burden was lifted from my shoulders~I didn't NEED to understand it ~or was it because I placed my palm on my face and got all that energy!

  2. Go in and try. You will find miracles one day. ^^
