It was sunny and relatively warm yesterday, so the wife and I went walking at San Jose’s Almaden Winery Park, just down the street from where we are staying.
Because we have done this often in recent weeks, I decided to ignore the obvious macro-beauty of the place and look for the “out-of-the-ordinary.” Y’know, left-field stuff.
Stuff like these …
I wonder if C3PO (of Star Wars fame) spray-painted his name on the walkway when he was young and before he learned to spell his name correctly.
Most of the leaves have fallen off the maple trees, but on one nearly bare tree, there was this one leaf that was hanging on for dear life. Stubborn little guy.
For some reason, this dead leaf reminded me of two volcanoes with their bases touching. Or am I stuck in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park land?
It's amazing what we can "see" when we look.