Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tiny Nature Unleashed

Yesterday was a good day for nature discoveries.

First of all, following a delicious dim sum lunch at Pan Tao Restaurant in Sunnyvale, we were talking to my daughter-in-law’s friends in the parking lot when my thoughts began to wander.

I saw a pokey fruit on a little maple tree (at least I think it was a maple), so I moseyed over and picked it.

As I was investigating its interesting surface, I saw a little beetle clinging onto the fruit. Ever the photo opportunist, I reached into my pocket for my handy-dandy camera and snapped a few pix.

Does anybody know what kind of beetle it is? If so, please let me know.

Then, later on when my son and I were heading out from his home to buy me a couple of new crossword puzzle books at Barnes & Noble, I noticed a golden spider guarding its egg sac under the eaves of the neighbor’s garage.

Again, I whipped my handy-dandy camera out of my pocket and took a picture.

Isn’t nature wonderful? You just have to keep your eyes open … oh, and have a camera on hand at all times as well.

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