Yesterday, for the first time ever in the several years that we've done this drive, we decided to stop and take a look at what was being offered.
There’s nothing formal about the set-up: It’s simply baskets of fresh fruit and a table of dried fruit packages sitting on a porch.
It’s run by the honor system, according to a printout posted on the wall. The fruits are priced (4 of this for a buck, 6 of that for a buck, a bag of dried stuff for a buck ‘n a half) and there’s a box where you can leave the money to pay for your purchases.
“This is perfect to write about in my blog,” I exclaimed, while the wife went about selecting some fruit (we bought some persimmons). I whipped out my trusty camera and snapped some pictures of fruit and a couple of trees.
Quaint and gives you a warm fuzzy feeling restoring faith in others.