Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Volunteers Needed in Hungary

I’ve noticed a lot of talk about volunteering lately; this morning’s newspaper comic section featured no fewer than four strips focused on volunteerism. The thing is, it’s not even National Volunteer Month – that was in April.

Still, volunteerism is a good idea. It’s needed everywhere.

Take Budaors, Hungary, for example. The 15 members of its police force pooled their resources and bought some lottery tickets. Well guess what? They hit the jackpot – about $16.2 million, the sixth largest in Hungarian history – and split it amongst themselves.

Budaors, by the way, is in the Budapest metropolitan area, in (get this) … Pest County. It started as a settlement in 3500 BC and has a population of 26,400 people.

Now … what would YOU do if you won the lottery? Chances are you’d quit your job and do all sorts of things you couldn’t do before, due to the lack of wherewithal.

That’s what the police did. All 15 of them. The entire police force. On the spot. Quit. Gone. Nada remaining.

Police chiefs from surrounding cities have sent back-up squads to help out, but in the meantime, a desperate search for volunteers and new recruits is on.

Want to be a volunteer? Want to make a difference? Maybe you can start a new life in Hungary.


  1. Not sure if I would quit my job (depends on the total lottery sum), but I'd never fly coach again. I hate flying.

  2. Couldn't quit my job~hubby won't let me! I'd help my kids out some, not a lot. It helps them to "make it" on their own. I have done volunteer work and may again, but I'd certainly find good causes to contribute to!
