Thursday, October 8, 2009

Honolulu’s Alternative Taste Street Festival

Well okay then … I don’t know whether to classify this nighttime event as “weird,” “innovative,” or just plain “good grief.”

Tomorrow night, Honolulu’s Chinatown district will celebrate the third annual “Alternative Taste Street Festival” at the Nuuanu and Hotel Street intersection.

The food part sounds just fine, as downtown and Chinatown eateries will be featuring their wares. So does the entertainment setup – three music stages and a deejay stage.

From there, it takes a left turn into that territory I was alluding to earlier. They promise a Chinatown Follies drag show and a host of street performers such as Haberdashery, 86list, Doolin Rakes, and Rolando Sanchez Salsa Band, Hawaii fire artists, Monkey Waterfall, and Samadhi Hawaii Aerialists.

Now tell me, are any of these household names to you? Not to me, they're not. They may be if you’re a member of – or are close to someone who’s cognizant of – the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender (LGBT) Community, which is sponsoring the event.

Maybe I’ll don a fright wig and drop by.

On second thought, I think I’ll just stay home tomorrow night.


  1. I love the wig, but it would be even better in electric blue! ;)

  2. I'll put that one on my shopping list for next year. :D
