Thursday, July 30, 2009

Warehouse 13

"Warehouse 13" is a new Tuesday night series on Syfy (formerly the SciFi Channel), that's caught my fancy.

The premise is simple. There is an underground warehouse in the desert where the US Secret Service stores all kinds of trouble-making artifacts (the paranormal kind of trouble). Remember the huge warehouse at the end of “Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark”? Warehouse 13 apparently is THAT warehouse – a much, much larger version of that one, however.

It's tended over by a scruffy agent named "Artie," whose boss is a gruffly stern lady named "Mrs. Frederick"). Artie sends agents Pete and Myka to various places when he detects these activity patterns.

Pete (Eddie McClintock) and Myka (Joanne Kelly) are a hoot of a team. He's got the temperament of a kid but can piece things together amazingly, she's a control freak and compulsive personality. They operate in a somewhat unorthodox manner, and were pulled off their regular jobs protecting the President. Together they are an impressive team who can figure almost anything out. They occasionally manage to subtly display quite a range of facial expressions that have me falling off the chair with laughter.

You should see the warehouse. It's acres of underground space filled to the brim with stuff. Artie (Saul Rubineck) knows where everything is, the history of everything in there, and what the artifacts do.

If you’re a sci-fi fan (or not), you should check it out. Good entertainment. Good, good entertainment. Previous episodes can be viewed at Or you can wait until they have a Warehouse 13 marathon. But I wouldn’t wait if I were you.

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