Thursday, July 9, 2009

Curds and … Why?

Sometimes I can feel a tummy-hungry rumble in the mid-afternoon. Yesterday was one of those days when I felt like a bowl of raisin bran cereal. Raisin bran is great – lots of fiber, natural sweetness, nutritious and filling.

I had just one medium-sized serving left in the cereal box, so I transferred that precious stuff to a bowl and dove into the fridge for some soy milk. I found a carton of Silk soy milk that I’d bought a week or so ago, opened the spout and gave it a whiff.

Ewwwww! It smelled bad, so I dumped it down the drain, clumps and all.

Then I remembered I had bought a hermetically sealed plastic bottle of Mrs. Chang’s soy milk. Surely it must still be okay, despite it being bought several weeks ago. The plastic cap was terribly tight and difficult to open, but I finally perservered.

Ewwwww! The liquid had turned to … tofu! I recapped it and tossed it in the rubbish.

I was running out of options here. Digging around in the fridge, I saw two cartons of skim milk. I HATE skim milk, but I was hungry and wanted my raisin bran.

The first carton was already open and had an expiration date of July 7, so I spread open the spout and took a whiff.

Ewwwww! It smelled like someone had dropped a cup of vinegar in there. Down the drain it went.

Three strikes and you’re out, right? Nope. I had one more chance. The other carton of skim milk (did I mention that I hate skim milk?) had an expiry date of July 18, so I figured that was safe, and poured the milk into my bowl.

Cottage cheese curds tumbled out, contaminating my bowl of raisin bran with a smelly transparent light-blue liquid.


I gave up, dumped the whole thing into the garbage disposal, and got myself an apple instead. I should have done that in the first place, but I really wanted a bowl of raisin bran!

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