Friday, June 19, 2009

A Senior Moment

Every once in a while, we experience what has become popularly known as a "senior moment" - you forget something you have known all your life, you say something dumb and irrelevant, or you do something stupid that you never ever would consciously do ... things like that.

Today I went to a movie theater, got all the way into the metered parking lot, and reached for my wallet to take out my Regal Entertainment card. Not there. In fact, my wallet wasn't there.

Ah me, I was caught on the horns of a dilemma. I couldn't get my parking stub validated unless I went to the movies, and I didn't have my wallet to pay for the movie (not to mention the fact that I'd just driven for a half-hour without my driver's license).

And then I remembered that I always kept a few dollars in my car registration wallet in case of emergency. I looked and discovered I had $8 in there, enough to pay for my movie and thereby earn my parking validation.

Salvation. Two hours later, I was driving home, having paid for and seen the movie (but not earning any points on my card, and having to forego concession refreshments), and with $1.25 in my pocket. The only bad part was feeling naked without my wallet and driver's license.

Senior moments. They drive you crazy.


  1. Oh yes, I have noted recently~~a couple of senior moments. sheesh, I hate to admit that! What happens when I really get old!? ;)

  2. When we get much older, the senior moments will cancel out each other and we won't even remember that we can't remember!

  3. Oh good, I'm so relieved! I'll stop worryng about it now. I have heard the only good thing about Alzheimers is ~ you don't know that you don't know who you are.
