… but enough of the Michael Jackson tributes and news coverage on TV already.
Every time a celebrity dies – especially an “iconic” celebrity, the news media goes nuts. The talk shows go nuts. The fans go nuts.
And that in itself is fine, I understand why. Those who were touched by a person’s existence need to find a way to satisfy their curiosity and to express their feelings about the passing.
You just can’t escape the fact that Michael Jackson and his family and his associates are all over the television this week. But since mid-day Friday, June 25, I’ve clicked off channels that were covering his death.
At some point, one just has enough.
And while we’re on the subject of “no disrespect intended,” the death of pitchman Billie Mays was also a shocker. I saw him on Jay Leno a few weeks ago and respected him for working hard and for being discovered by Oxy-Clean.
But … I have to say that I couldn’t stand his commercials and changed the channel whenever one of them would come on.
May they rest in peace.
I wholeheartedly agree with you!!!