Monday, June 22, 2009

Hippie Holiday

The Honolulu Arts District in downtown Honolulu sponsored an event they called "Hippie Holiday" last Friday night to celebrate the "Summer of Love" in 1969 - painted Volkswagens and all.

I saw the promo on the local morning news show, but there wasn't anything in the morning paper about it, and I didn't see any post-event coverage either.

I'd half-way convinced myself that I was going to check it out, but as so often happens, I got lazy around the time it started, so I just planted my butt back in my easy chair and skipped the whole darned thing.

Craig ... Summer of '69

What the heck, I experienced that "Summer of Love," the real thing during the summer of 1969 in Los Angeles. What did I do back then? I read about it at work, and then watched it on TV at home with my butt planted firmly in my easy chair.

Things haven't changed in 40 years, have they?

1 comment:

  1. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
