Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What da ...?

People born and raised in Hawaii have a peculiar way of pronouncing words, that's for sure.

It seems that many, especially those from certain demographics, are "th" deficient. This particular idiosyncracy is prevalent in other parts of the nation and world, for sure, but especially noticeable in Hawaii.

The substitution of "d" for "th," or the dropping of the "h," is sometimes very subtle, but if you listen carefully, you suddently become very sensitive to it.

There's one particular weather guy that comes to mind immediately. His reports on "da wedder" and how "da surf is up" grate on my nerves sometimes, so I'm constantly reminding myself that he's a local and has to be forgiven. Yet, if his profession puts him in front of thousands who hear him giving his reports, shouldn't he get some lessons in diction?

The Hawaii accent is choppy enough without widdout having to tink about how de locals are pronouncing words, don't you tink?

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