Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Viva Les Senior Citizen Dogs!

Every year around this time, I retire early and turn on the TV to watch the annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show and the marvelous parade of beautiful purebred dogs, the most beautiful dogs in the world.

I even watched Martha Stewart this morning. Not that it’s on my regular watch list, but I was going to turn off the TV when Westminster spokesman David Frei was introduced. I sat back down and watched as he introduced several of the show dogs, culminating with the over-all winner. I wasn’t going to pass up seeing these beautiful animals once again.

A Sussex Spaniel won Best in Show this year – 10-year-old "senior citizen" Stump (formal name “Ch Clussexx Three D Grinchy Glee”) survived a medical scare that nearly took his life, and came out of his 2004 retirement to become the oldest dog ever to claim the Best in Show title.

Watching the Westminster Dog Show inspires numerous “Wow” moments for me as the stunning dogs (each top in their breed) trot around the competition ring. My personal “Top Wow” moments included the retrievers and setters, and some of the terriers and hounds. Their beauty can bring me close to tears.

And, don’t you just love the dogs’ registered names? Stump’s father is “Ch Three D Genghis Khan,” and his mother is “Ch Clussexx Sprinkled With Dew.”

The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show … Wow!

1 comment:

  1. Hurrah for Stump!

    I've been waiting years to see the shih tzu take the crown. Maybe next time.
