Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Ode to My Urologist

I went to see the doc today,
(The annual inspection),
I filled it up, the plastic cup,
With nary a perplextion.

I went to see him in the room,
He made me turn around,
“Loosen up,” I heard him say,
“And drop them on the ground.”

There’s a doctor over there
With his finger in the air.
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!

There’s a doctor over here
With his finger in my rear!
Oh my goodness, OH MY GOODNESS!

The end. Until next year, that is.


  1. Did the doc say to you
    Now give a little cough
    While you're bending over
    With tighty-whiteys off?

    Or was the doc over there
    With his finger in the air
    Walking to you slowly
    As if he didn't care?

    No matter what he did
    Behind you in the rear
    Remember this procedure
    Is only once a year!

  2. Haw!!!

    I will say, you just defined TMI. But you did it with style. :)

  3. No comment I could make could compete with this! Great comeback.
