Thursday, December 18, 2008

A “PC” Christmas Wish

Peace on Earth, good will toward men! (Hmmmm, “men” seems kinda sexist and gender-specific.)

Peace on Earth, good will toward all mankind! (Yikes! Same problem.)

Peace on Earth, good will toward men and women! (Wait, “women” has the word “men” in it.)

Peace on Earth, good will toward humans! (Rats, “humans” also has the word “man” in it.)

Peace on Earth, good will toward all persons! (Oh my lord, “persons” has the word “son” in it.)

Peace on Earth, good will toward gentlemen and madams! (No good … “madam” has an “Adam” in it.)

Peace on Earth, good will toward all homo sapiens! (Yeah ... I think that’s it!)

Peace on Earth, Good Will Toward All Homo Sapiens!


  1. LOL! Craig you are so funny! I have a Christmas song playing in your honor on my blog.

  2. Hey now ... even chimpanzees need a little love. ;)

  3. It's such a dilemma, isn't it? lol
