Thursday, October 16, 2008

Pizza Omelet

I had a pizza omelet for breakfast this morning. Muy delicioso.

It’s not difficult to make. The first thing you need is leftover pizza. We had this (Pizza Hut leftover from last night). Then eggs, of course; I use one egg and one fake-egg (egg substitute) equivalent.

I scraped the goodies off the top of two refrigerator-cold pizza slices and nuked it in the microwave. Then, I made my omelet, gently nestling the resultant Italian gooey stuff into the middle of my scrambled eggs before folding it over onto my plate.

If I had some extra pizza sauce, I would have artistically dribbled some over the folded omelet.


1 comment:

  1. I know this man loves his omelets and this one sounds dee-lish!
